
Frater Yaramarud began his occult practices at a very young age and, having grown up in rural Indiana, found little access to tools to assist him in his path. Having no luck in his search for the things he needed to continue his practices and studies, Yaramarud was left with no other option but to craft the things he needed himself. As he grew older, he found like-minded individuals who benefited from his crafting and magickal services, which furthered his desire to supply those who needed them with what he had previously been so sorely lacking.

It is from this experience that Welcome to Tarotdise was born. We are here to provide quality items for occult, magickal, and ritual use that are hard to find elsewhere. Not only this, but we provide a space for other practitioners to share their crafts and abilities with the world, creating a community of occultists and magicians that can provide materials and tools regardless of their spiritual path.

When it comes to stores catering to the magician, they typically come in two flavors: either they provide only to the followers of an individual path (Wicca, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, etc.) or the store caters only to a sort of New-Age spirituality that provides only crystals, incense, and a few tarot decks between books by Sylvia Browne about 2012 predictions.

Welcome to Tarotdise is here to buck that trend. We wish to provide tools vetted by practitioners of all paths to be used by any and all who choose to align themselves however they see fit. We hope to be able to save you the wasted effort of tracking down exactly what you need for your ritual practices. If there’s something you’re in search of that you can’t find anywhere else, let us know, and we’ll do everything within our powers to bring that item to you. We also encourage all magicians, artists, occultists, gurus, and dabblers to reach out to us if you need an outlet for your creations. We believe that our Art grows with community. And with that, we would like to heartily tell you, “Welcome to Tarotdise.”
